Looking for the best guideline about How to create custom post types in WordPress?
Custom post types are an essential feature that enables users to create specific content types, going beyond the traditional blog post format. Whether you’re planning to set up a portfolio, a products catalog, an events calendar, or any other unique content structure that WordPress does not provide by default, then the custom post types plugin is for you.
In this tutorial, I will describe the process step-by-step on how to create a custom post types in WordPress! You do not need any coding knowledge. So, if you’re ready to take your WordPress site to the next level by adding custom posts, read the full article.
Let’s get started!
How to create a custom post types in WordPress?
Creating custom post types in WordPress is easy by using a plugin that provides a user-friendly and code-free approach. There are many custom post type plugins available and one of the popular plugins is “Custom Post Type UI“.
Now I will show you how to create custom post type using the “Custom Post Type UI” plugin.
Install and Activate the Custom Post Type UI plugin
To install the plugin, log into your WordPress admin dashboard and then go to Plugins → Add New. You will be redirected to the plugins page. In the search bar, type “Custom Post Type UI” and locate the plugin, click “Install Now” and then click “Activate” once it’s installed.
Create a new Custom Post Type
Now go to your WordPress Dashboard → CPT UI → Add/Edit Post Types. Now you will be redirected to the new custom posts type configure page.
Configure the Custom Post Type Settings
In the setting, you’ll see many options to configure your custom post type. But you don’t have to fill them all. Follow the instruction below:
Post Type Slug: Enter the URL slug for your post type (e.g., portfolio, events, testimonials).
Post Type Label: Enter the name for your custom post type such as Portfolio, Events, Testimonials, etc. You will find two fields for singular and plural.
Post Type Description: Provide a description of your custom post type. This is optional but I recommend to provide.
In the Additional Label tab, you will get many fields to change labels. You don’t need to change any labels but if you want, you can change them. Now scroll down and go to the settings tab:
Has Archive: Decide whether you want to enable an archive page for your custom post type.
Hierarchical: Check this box if you want your posts to have parent-child relationships (like pages).
Menu Position: Choose where your custom post type appears in the dashboard menu. The number range is 5 – 100. You can know more about the menu position here.
Menu Icon: Optionally select an icon to represent your post type in the dashboard.
Supports: Select the features you want to support, such as title, editor, excerpt, featured image, etc.
Taxonomies: If you want to support taxonomy in your custom post type, select Taxonomies like Categories, Tags, etc.
Once you have configured your custom post type settings, click the “Add Post Type” button to add New Custom Post Type.
Edit existing custom post types
After adding any custom post type, sometimes you need to edit it. The custom post type ui allows you to edit existing post types easily. To edit any post type go to WordPress Dashboard → CTP UI → Add/Edit Post Types → Edit Post Types. Now Select the post type that you want to edit. You will get all the options to edit. Once editing is done, don’t forget to save it.
Also read: How to add a WordPress table of contents to posts?
Creating custom post types in WordPress using plugins opens up a world of possibilities for website owners and administrators. If you are a beginner, you can make a custom post type easily without any coding knowledge.
Following the process that I provide above, you can easily create any custom post type within a moment. If you face any problem or issue to create a custom post type, comment below. Read our other article to get more helpful tutorials.